This mission is pleased to assist you to register the birth and citizenship of your children under:
Section 16 or Section 24 of the Birth Registration Act.
Section 5(2) of the Citizenship Act.
This is applicable to:
Children born outside Sri Lanka, who are under the age of 22 and whose father and/or mother was a Sri Lankan at the time of the child’s birth.
At least one parent must have been a citizen of Sri Lanka or a dual citizen at the time of child’s birth and the same person should be the declarant.
Required Application Forms
Registration Form B4 (Within 3 Months of Birth) OR Registration Form B6 (After 3 Months of Birth).
If Submitting Registration Form B6: Letter of Explanation for late registration, addressed to the “Registrar General, Registrar General’s Office, Colombo,” from the parents. Also, for late birth registrations you should submit the old passport copies (if you had any at the time of child’s birth) along with the copies of new passports.
Citizenship Application Form DOWNLOAD HERE
Citizenship Declaration Form DOWNLOAD HERE
Additional Documents Required [Originals + 1 Set of Photocopies]
All Photocopies Should Be Submitted In A4 Size.
Child’s Overseas Birth Certificate, issued by Chinese authorities.
Recently issued (certificates obtained before 2008 will not be accepted) Original Birth Certificates of Mother & Father (Please note that the English translations OR certificates “issued free of charge” will not be accepted).
Original Marriage Certificate of Parents (English translations will not be accepted in lieu of originals).
Bio-Data Page of the parents’ passports, as used at the time of the child’s birth. Bio-Data Page of foreign passport and Citizenship certificate copy (if applicable).
Visa page of the passport of the applicable parents (at the time of the child’s birth).
Registration Form B4 OR Registration Form B6 must be duly completed by the Informant.
Stamps do not be affixed on the B4 or B6 Registration Forms.
Attestations are not required if documents are submitted directly to the Sri Lanka Embassy in Beijing.
If you are posting the application forms, “B4” or “B6” and Declaration of Citizenship application are required to be certified, please make sure its signed and sealed by the witness below the declarant/informant signature on the desired section. However, documents that are posted needs to be certified ONLY by a Justice of Peace/ Lawyer.
Citizenship Application Form- Mode of receiving the certificate (Please tick “A”)
Please Note:
Citizenship Amendment Act, No. 16 of 2003 – Section 5(2) – A person born outside Sri Lanka after 15th November 1948 will be deemed to be a citizen of Sri Lanka if, at that time, his or her father or mother was a citizen of Sri Lanka (At least one of the parents should be a Sri Lankan) and if within one year of his/her date of birth or within the extended period approved by the Minister, his/her birth is registered at the Sri Lanka Mission in the country of his/her birth or at the office of the Minister.
Children born outside Sri Lanka, whose birth is registered with a Sri Lanka Mission Abroad are issued with certificates under the ‘Consular Functions Act’ by the Registrar General’s Office as well as the ‘Ceylon Citizenship Act’ by the DEPARTMENT OF IMMIGRATION AND EMIGRATION SRI LANKA.
Certificates issued by the DEPARTMENT OF IMMIGRATION AND EMIGRATION SRI LANKA under the ‘Ceylon Citizenship Act’ will become void on reaching the age of 18 years, at which time the child will have to decide whether to retain the Sri Lankan citizenship, the citizenship of the country of birth, or both, by making an application to the DEPARTMENT OF IMMIGRATION AND EMIGRATION SRI LANKA before he completes the age of 19 years.
Applicants who do not comply with this requirement will automatically lose the Sri Lankan Citizenship as stated at the bottom of the Certificate issued by the DEPARTMENT OF IMMIGRATION AND EMIGRATION SRI LANKA. In view of the above, it is advisable for the parents to keep their children informed of this requirement.
Citizenship Division of the Department of Immigration and Emigration will process the applications and mail the certificates to this Mission for onward transmission to the applicant. Since it is difficult to give a specific period within which a certificate would be ready, this Mission will notify the applicant when such certificate is ready for collection.
Fees payable for registration of birth are as follows:
Registration of birth - RMB 160.00 /USD 25.00
Issuance of certified copy - RMB 85.00 /USD 13
Issuance of citizenship certificate –RMB 300.00/ USD 47.00
Payment must be made at the time of tendering the application, and the receipt kept for reference.
Payable ONLY by Cash, Bank transfer to the Sri Lanka Embassy in Beijing
Personal/Company cheques, Credit Cards are not accepted.
An additional fee of RMB 30.00/ USD 5.00 per year will be levied for the registration of citizenships which are processing after one year.